I'd like to offer my special thanks to the following folk for providing the information you see here. Besides Takashi Kawai and Georgiana McReynolds, who continue to tirelessly plod through the catalogs of many music publishers, the following people have been generously donating their time in keeping this database one of the premier sources of information on clarinet works in the world:

Andrew Brandt's Woodwind Quintet List http://www.ms.uky.edu/~moses/doublereed/dr.lists/ww5_brandt.html

Richard Faria
Assistant Professor of Music (Clarinet)
Ithaca College,
School of Music Ithaca, NY 14850-7240
faria@lightlink.com http://www.ithaca.edu/music/music4/

Graham Lyons

David Niethamer
Principal Clarinet, Richmond Symphony
niethamer@urvax.urich.edu dbnclar1@aol.com http://users.aol.com/dbnclar1/

Michael Norsworthy

Oliver Seely, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
California State University, Dominguez Hills
oliver@dhvx20.csudh.edu http://chemistry.csudh.edu/oliver/oliver.htm

Roger Shilcock

Gary VanCott

and the entire membership of the Klarinet mailing list for helping with this project.